Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My Betta Floats at the top of his tank and isnt dead!

My Betta Floats at the top of his tank and isnt dead!

23 16:50:43

I've had my beta Pingo for about two years and recently he has been floating at the top of the tank and I know he is alive because he tries to get to the bottom of the tank. He just floats to the top and he leans up against the wall of the tank so he doesn't float on his side. Is this normal for a dying fish, is he diseased, or is he just weird? He also has a large chest for his size and this thing he is doing started about a week ago.  


Awkward floating and bloating sounds like something called dropsy. This is indicative of an internal infection. It is quite common in bettas. If your betta is in a heated tank, turn up the heater a bit to help combat this. I also recommend a medicine called Maracyn-2.

I hope this helps.
