Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > possible parasite????

possible parasite????

25 9:16:34

I have a 44 gallon freshwater tank.  I bought 2 long finned rosy's and a silver dollar last week.  Yesterday I noticed something.  There were many of these things.  They are white.  they look like a small worm or slug.  They are only about 1 centimeter long and are very skinny.  At first I thought it was sting from a towel that had gotten on the glass.  There are a lot of these.  They do not seem to be bothering the fish.  They are stuck to the glass on the inside of the tank.  I was hoping you could shed some light on what this may be and give me a solution if it is a problem with the tank.  Thank you in advance for your assistance.


I have never heard of something like this before. It could just be something from the water or decorations. Try scraping them off with a glass cleaner/small razor blade. If they come back and stick to the glass then you should probably treat the water for parasites.

I hope this helps a bit. You seem to have a very odd thing happening in your tank!

From Stephanie