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Pregnant blue lobster

23 15:35:00

QUESTION: I have a pregnant blue lobster.  She has isolated herself for about a month now, she has eggs that look like little red berries.  They look like they are getting bigger but not sure.  How long should I expect this to go on for?  There are no plants in the tank, should I add some?  What should I be doing for her since she wont eat?  Help.

ANSWER: Hi Marlene,

Adding plants is advisable if you believe the babies may live, however I can tell you if you have any fish, they don't make it 99.9% of the time.

I would add plants, just incase.  Hiding spots are good for her youngalso.

Make sure the water is good and clean.

I hope you feel free to respond with further questions if necessary.

Happy fish-keeping.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How long will take it until her eggs hatch? It has been a month now.

Thank you for advice,

Supposing she was fertile when the eggs were started, she's due now.  Four to five weeks, is the general incubation time.  When the young hatch, remove the parents and all other fish.  They must be isolated in order to survive.  You may start a temp aquarium for the parents.  When the young are 2 months old, you can take them out using a net.

Feed them algae pellets and bloodworms,ground up.

I would read this link, thoroughly.

Please send me a photo when they hatch!  

Happy lobster-keeping.
