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Fancy Goldfish Lighting

25 9:17:44

Is there any particular combination of lighting that would benefit goldfish like Orandas or lionheads?

Well, as you probably know, florescent lighting brings out the best colors in all fish. Sunlight brings out a very different coloration in fish, and sunlight will bring out oranges in your fish the most. During the summertime, moving your goldfish out to a well-cared for pond out in where the sun shines for a couple of hours will bring out the very best colors in your goldies. Winter time, as it is now,however, isn't the best time it's far too cold for them, unless you are in a very tropical climate.

Most fish don't really need any sort of lighting fixture... It's more for our benefit than the fishes. A naturally sunlit bright room is fine for fish. I don't keep any lighting fixture on my Oranda, she is situated near a bright window where she gets a couple (only a couple) of hours of sunlight and she has beautiful coloration. She is a happy fish too. Fish enjoy sunlight but never let their tank get overheated by the sunlight coming through. And as long as you maintain the water quality, I have never had any problems with Algae.

Florescent lights do an excellent job regardless and are best because of being a cooler light than incandescent.

I don't know of any 'special' lighting fixtures for bringing out the colors of goldfish. But sunlight does them very good and is quite healthy for them as long as their aquarium isn't heated up by it.

I hope this helps!
Best wishes,
Happy fishkeeping!