Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > How many?

How many?

23 16:40:13

Ok, i am planning on getting a large 50-60 gallon aquarium for my b-day and i really want to get some cool compatible fish for it. I have been researching and was wondering if angelfish, dwarf gourami's, tetras, dwarf south american cichlids, and swordtails were ok to put together. If so, how mnay of each would i be able to put in the tank with out haveing problems in the future with overcrowding, too much nitrute, amonia, ect.. if u could pleeese get back to me on that i would very much appreciate it. thx

Hi Maria

I would suggest having either angels or gourmis, but not both.  In a 55 gallon tank, you could have 2 angles, 2-3 schools of tetras (with 6 of the same species in each school) 2 german blue or bolivian rams, and 6 adult swordtails (stick with males, or you will be overrun)  You could also throw in some oto cats too.  

Please follow these instructions prior to getting any fish as all the fish you like are sensitive to water conditions.  Add the angels and rams last.  Platies first, and then the tetras.