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Betta fish laying on bottom

25 9:09:05


Chris, thanks so much for the info.  Out of the 3 fish, one seems to have a swollen or bloated area just past his head, right where his fin on the bottom connects to his body.  It has gotten progressively worse over the last few days.  What could be causing this?


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I've had 3 male betta fish for a couple weeks now.  With glass dividers in the same tank.  I feed them twice a day and chance the water once a week or so.  I recently added a heating unit to the bottom of the tank and some of those gadgets that make slight bubbles.

A few days ago I noticed that one of the fish had his head nuzzles in the bottom of the tank in his rocks.  A day or two later, the other two bettas were laying on the bottom as well sometimes.  When I tap on the tank they start swimming around.  Are they sleeping or is this the sign of a problem?  Thanks for your help.

Answer -
Hi Brian;

Do they seem to have a good appetite?

- they eat twice a day and rarely have leftovers

How much food do you offer every day?

- a small pinch for each twice a day

What is the water temperature?

- a steady 75 degrees from the heating unit

How big is the tank?

- 2.5 gallons

Do they flare (puff out their fins and gills) at each other?

- they flare up occasionally at each other

Let me know.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Answer -
Hi Brian;

They may be curious about something down there or the bubbles are moving the water more than they are used to. If their little side fins are still moving at the same time and they seem to eat okay I wouldn't worry about it. There might even be a reflection they can see that they are interested in.

It might be helpful to change their water twice a week too. With three of those guys in less than 3 gallons they will need a 100% change at least once a week. Be sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water to avoid shock. Use a water conditioner too.

Their water temperature is a bit low even though there is a heater. Bettas thrive at 78 to 82. Many seem to "do okay" at under that but many just don't do so well.

Watch their bellies for swelling and eyes to be sure they aren't bulging. Swollen belly indicates constipation and/or dropsy. Bulging eyes indicates popeye. They can all cause lethargic behavior and odd swimming habits. Here are links to articles on them so you know what to look for;

Other links;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Hi Brian;

It sounds like dropsy or constipation. Here are the links to betta diseases again in case you didn't see them;
