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ill Fish

23 15:34:50

We have a ill Baby Black Molly and it has White Spots, we went a Fish Shop and got something that may help and it says we should remove the Active Carbon Filter but we don't know exactly what the Active Carbon Filter is =/ could you please help??.


Sounds like your Molly has Ich. Some filters do not have the carbon in them. Is your filter all one piece or did you have to put it together? The active carbon is the black gravel like stuff that is in the filter. If the carbon stays in the tank, it will remove the medication before it has time to work. To speed up the treatment of Ich, raise the heater in the tank to 86 degrees. Make sure you raise it slowly, 1 to 2 degrees every hour until you are at 86 degrees. The warmer temp speeds up the growing process of the disease. Since you are raising the temp, the oxygen level in the water will go down so drop an air stone in the tank while the heater is that high. Let me know if you have any other questions.