Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Male Betta

Male Betta

23 16:30:44

Hello Rachel,

Once placid, he's now darting around side of his clean 1.5 gallon tank. He appears to be rubbing against the glass and  plastic plant(although I'm not sure). I've checked him out with a magnifier and flashlight and see no hint of Ick or Velvet. He's breathing rapidly. I don't know if that's a symptom or he's just working hard. All chemical levels of s are perfect. The water is kept between 75 and 78 degrees. He's eating well. The water is changed once a week. Waste and excess food is removed after feeding. I use 1/4 teaspoon of aquarium salt each time I change water. He's orange, so I might be seeing Velvet. There doesn't seem to be much poop. His fins seem fine, although my wife thinks he's lost a bit of color. With the exception of his darting and rubbing, he's swimming fine and doesn't 'mope.'I did an unscheduled change of water yesterday, and he seemed relieved for a few hours. Very confusing. Help!!!! Thanks in advance

He seems to have an external parasite or disease. He could have velvet and you may not be able to notice it as with other fish because of his color and texture. I would get a treatment which covers a wide variety of external parasites. Treat him following the directions including the water changes. Also, avoid replacing all of the water at any point, you should only replace about 15% of the water weekly. Also, dont overfeed to where you have to remove the excess food. Its better if the fish gets too little than too much. As long as he gets a bite or two he will be fine, he doesnt need to get stuffed to be healthy. I hope this helps. Let me know if you need more help.