Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > amonia levels high

amonia levels high

23 16:11:36

QUESTION: Hello, I just emailed you about high amonia levels.  We decided to test the tap water we use and found out that the amonia is coming from the tap water. so we wnet and bought distilled water to fix it for the moment. However, do you know if we can leave the tap water sit for a few days to get the amonia out of it.  Also any other suggestions.  We always put in the stuff to remove chlorine, amonia, etc everytime we do a water change.  I put in in the tank and add the water.

ANSWER: Hi Lorraine:  What I do because I have so many tanks (22) is I use a 55 gallon plastic garbage can that I put a filter in.  This set up acts like an aquarium so when I need water I have perfect water.  I have found that the submersible filters work fine in the garbage can and that it saves me hundreds of dollars a year because I do not have to buy chemicals to fix my tap water.  I do use carbon in the can because of the ammonia in my tap water.  leaving the tap water out will not readily remove the ammonia.  If your tank is small then you can do the same concept with a smaller volume of water.  I hope this helps.   dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dave, I came in This morning to find more dead fish. We added the distilled water on Friday and when I left the amonia was .25 ppm  This morning it is over 2 ppm  I do not know what else to do. I am ready to give up.  I changed charcoal filters again this morning. Is there any possibility that the decorations (that I bought made for the fish tank) are contributing to this.  THe amonia stuff that is to help decrease the amonia levels does not seem to do anything. All other levels are great, nitrite, nitrate, etc.  The water is soft and is below 6.2 ph

What you need to do is about a 70% water change.  This is a drastic measure but your tank is too toxic.  I am not a fan of adding chemicals to tank water because I think that it impedes the natural process of the tank to find its own balance.  I do not really used distilled water either... instead find a tap water source that does not have high ammonia levels in it.  Ammonia in the aquarium is the byproduct of decomposition...Something in your tank is rotting and you are going to have to find out what it is.  I would take out all of the decorations and really stir the gravel up and see if the water becomes cloudy with gunk.  If the water becomes cloudy then you will need to clean the gravel with a gravel vacuum.  Also... TRY to stir the gravel before you do the water change that way if the water is becomes dirty you can siphon it out.  The decorations for the tank do not contribute to ammonia unless there is food and fish waste trapped under them. when you are finished with the ammonia issue you can add about a half a pound of coral gravel to the tank to raise the pH.  Please keep me posted... I do not want to see you quit the hobby.  Other people have gone through similar experiences and you too can conquer this.  dave