Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > asst. african chiclids

asst. african chiclids

23 16:09:20

I am setting up a 20 long for the Chiclids do they have to have coral, if so how much. also how do i tell male and female as u can see i am just starting out. I do have tropical and do fine with them just wanted to try something else. thank you

a 20 gallon tank for African cichlids is too small... I would suggest a 30 gallon for up to three fish or a 55 for 1-7 fish.  They do not have to have coral but they do like brackish water... sexing cichlids is difficult to explain because what you need to look for on one species is different then on another... Some are almost impossible to sex until they start laying eggs.... hope this helps... dave