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Planted Aquarium

23 16:16:14

Hi Nick,

I have recently bought a 20 gallon tank which i have decided will have a planted setup. I live in gurgaon in India where praticially nothing is available when it comes to aquarium plants (no CO2 systems, no filtration (except the general one), no CO2 diffusers, no testing kits etc)Previously I had success with a 36 gallon planted tank where I used bottled yeast CO2. In my new 20 gallon tank I have put a 60 watt light bulb (10-11hrs a day) and have not added any CO2 as yet (I have not put in enough plants as yet because of lack of availability) Now only abt 40% of the tank is covered with plants I intend to cover abt 80% of the surface area. At what time should I introduce CO2 in my tank. Is now the right time or will it be harmfull to the inhabitants (4 searpe tertra, 2 rummy noses, 2 widow tetra, 1 beta, 1 angel, 1 pleco and 4 small platies, also tell me an economical way as to use a CO2 diffuser

CO2 is not nessesary, but you can introduce it at any time. It is beneficial.

However, you should be worrying about your fish the most.

The serpae, rummy nose and widow tetras should be in schools of no less than 6 individuals each.

The angel should be in a bigger tank, and when it is fully grown will eat the rummy noses.

The betta is an individual fish, and should not be kept with anything else. I suggest removing it immediatly and putting it in a smaller tank.

Plecos get very big, and need at least 125 gallon tanks.

The platies are fine.
