Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > i jus talkd to ya

i jus talkd to ya

23 16:20:25

QUESTION: i was goin to ask another follow up but it said too many follow ups, so this is what i asked you before

Ok soooo I have more problems!!! My fish keep on dying! i've had this tank for a while now like 5 months so I want to know what is killing my fish and wut to do! here is the deal I have a 60 gallon tank with a filter that is meant for an 'up to 50 gallons of water tank' so i kno i should get a new one for my 60 gallon, do you think that is causing the sickness??? or how about this, I get more new neontetras from the petstore, then i noticed one day after i got them that one of the tetras i had a big white spot on it...i researched it and it sounded to me like it was neontetra I was thinking do you think that could be it?? what could it be that is killing my fish I need to know asap please and thank you.

then you gave me ur response. SO NOW IM ASKING if you could please look up neon tetra disease and see if that is the cause please i mean i think its a possibility, but i mean i have hearty fish and they are dying on me so i know there is something wrong with my tanks!!! jus don't know what :( :(

ANSWER: It is hard to say... what I found was that this disease is not curable... so your options at this point are try medication and see if it works... if it works ... your fish did not have neon-tetra-disease... It is an interesting disease... why it spares cardinal tetras I do not know... but... try the medication and see if that helps... keep me posted... dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


I have 4 neon tetras.....i got three together and one alone well he was a remainder cause my other ones died;..but i noticed the three neons have been bullyin the one that i didnt get with the 3....what can i do to stop this?? should i get more tetras or like another one so he can have company?? cause i feel bad seein them three bully him aorund when he is my orginal one!!! please help!

You can separate him from the others... or you can buy about six more so that the tank will distribute the aggression.  shoaling fish such as tetra like to be in groups of six or more... though some live happily in groups of three... more is always better with shoaling fish.  you will need to do something either choice because eventually they will make him sick and the whole tank problem will start over again.... dave