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cycling new aquarium

23 15:34:03

which is better- cycling new aquarium with a fish or without?  I can not use any materials or water from my 10 gallon tank.  It is being treated for callamanus worms.  the prognosis of those two fish remaining is still under observation.  new 29 gallon tank is up and ready, but don't know how bacteria will form is there is no fish in there.  if you say get a fish, which hardy fish should we start with?  our ph is high and I want fish that will do well with platys and mollies.  We do put a small amount of aquarium salt in water too for the mollies.  I am afraid platys and mollies aren't the ones to start with.

No fish in it, Carla. Put in a couple big snails.  :)  Mystery snails are great for starting tanks.

They will cause bacteria.  You can also jump start it using Biozyme.

Hardy fish to start with for cycling a tank?  Barbs.  Cherry Barbs are ultra hardy.

They are peaceful and do well in new tanks.

Happy fish=keeping.