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Stimulating my Romeo

23 16:14:38

So I have a betta. I have him housed in a 2 gal aquarium that I purchased a Petco. It came with the whole nine yards.  Decorations gallour.  I put in some extras just to give Romeo something more.  He resides in my office.
Lately I have noticed him merking around, swimming up to the surface for some time and than floundering in one spot.
I do frequent water changes and feed him dried blood worms, tetraMin flakes and an occasional BioGold pellet.
He does eat but my fear is that he might be depressed or possibly sick.
How can I determine the cause of this behavior and if furhter stimuation is needed what would you reccoment.

Hi Karry,
Well, its hard to know what's wrong. The fact that he's eating is a good sign and if he doesn't show any symptoms or signs of disease (no discolorations, bumps, fuzziness, spots or rotting fins or odd behavior besides resting in one spot).

Bettas can be depressed. One way to see if he is just depressed is to show him a little hand-held mirror and see if he gets excited and flares at himself. If so, then he probably is just bored or in a sedated state of mood. Sometimes if the temperature is too cool (below 74F) can cause bettas to go into a sluggish activity level.

Just as a precaution I'd do an extra water change or two and be sure to get him under some good lighting to get a close look at his skin, scales and fins.

Best of luck!!!