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cories and tiger barbs

23 16:20:53

i i just have a couple of questions for you, First, How do you sex a cory? Second, When are cories and barbs ready to breed? Third, Do cories eat algea/moss? or just the crap that falls to the bottom?

It is nearly impossible to tell the sex of a cory unless they are seen breeding. Otherwise it is basically impossible to tell.

The fish have different times of maturity. It differs to a large extent. Honestly, the only way to know when a tiger barb or cory are ready to breed is if they actually breed.

No, corys do not eat algae or moss they just eat left over food that falls to the bottom. While they do not eat algae or moss, they are great to keep the excess food from the bottom of the tank clean. The removal of the excess food helps to cut down on algae and moss. If you have a big problem with algae and moss get snails, algae eaters, and shrimp. Although all do not work well with other fish so be careful what you get and put together.

Summary, corys and tiger barbs are not very likely to breed in captivity. Unless you are a seasoned fish keeper, it is very unlikely that you will be able to see either breed. They require very specific conditions and require several tanks to place fry in one tank and parent in another. They also require special filters for the fry (babies) and other very specific and expensive equipment. If you really want to breed fish, I suggest getting some platys, mollies, or guppies as these are very easy to breed. However, do keep in mind unless you have all the extra equipment (tanks, specials filters, special food, etc.) it will not be likely that many of the fry will survive. I hope this helps.