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two giant gourami

23 15:22:23

    I have 2 small giant gourami in my 80 gal tank.One is 10 cm and another is a little smaller.
    They are biting each other.
   I would like to know that should I continue keeping them together? If not,what should I need to do?
    I also have one tiger Oscar of 8cm alone in 58 gal tank.Should I put my smaller gourami into Oscar tank?


Hi Nay,
Sounds like territorial and/or dominance issues. Good thing they are in a large tank. I would just keep a close eye on them. If the biting gets so bad that the other fish is made miserable (hiding in the corner, not coming out to eat, lots of fin/scale damage) then I would separate them.

Moving the one gourami to your oscar tank is a gamble. Its a risky thing. There's no telling whether or not it may work out. Some Oscars can be very aggressive towards other fish, especially if they have been the only individual in the tank for some time. While other oscars are very mellow. You can definitely try it, but be ready to move the gourami out if the Oscar feels threatened and decides to attack.

You can try making lots of hiding places in the tank with caves and plants to help try to diffuse some of the aggression. But even then, some fish are just very territorial and prefer to stake out the entire aquarium as their territory.

I hope all is well!
Good luck!