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cant tank

23 15:37:38

Hi Renee,
Yes I'v thought of getting a larger tank for them but i can't. Im in London Ontario and I don't know about the best brands or fish stores. Londons a big place and I don't know any good places to get good fish tank equiptment that is not expensive. Do you know any good brands in london ontario that are not expensive?

Hi Manahil,

I'm not in your area, however, if you ask the members of a local fish club, they may know.

I've researched a bit and found this list of Ontario aquarium clubs.  Perhaps emailing a few members might yield the best results for finding equipment in your area which is not expensive.

This is the list

I  belong to two fish clubs.  The good thing about that, is they always know where to buy the most affordable fish products and sometimes members have fish items for sale.

I certainly hope that this was helpful.

Again, Happy Holidays.
