Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > blackmoor crossed with ?? something :-S

blackmoor crossed with ?? something :-S

23 17:01:56

Hi, I have four 'black moors', well, one is definately a true black moor, but the other three are loosing their black at an extrodinary rate!  two are going orange and the other is going a goldy/silvery colour. I'm asuming these three are crossed with something but I have no idea what. Also the true black moor keeps to himself (im saying him cause he's streamlined), the other three are more golfball shaped, in particular one is huge, body a little smaller than the palm of my hand, and is also baing bullied/nuget at a lot by the other two smaller cross ones.  Is this bullying or is fatty a female? I havent noticed any signs of large vents on her or white spotts on the others so im just not sure.  Any help would be much appreciated.  Also, the big fatty(cross) has one 'black moor' eye, while the other is an ordinary goldfish eye, and appears to have either two, or a 'split' pupil?

Hi Lisa,
Goldifsh tend to change colour with age. This is usually in the first two years of it's life and it is usually not a cause for concern. Black moors can be quite aggresive towards other goldfish. Usually nobody is harmed. If your goldfish starts developing torn fins then remove the bully as this will cause severe stress to the fish.

Good luck!