Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > P.H


23 17:01:57

hi lee

i really need some help my ph has dropped from 7.6 to 5.2 cause we were having some construction on our water done in our area! how can i get my ph back to where it was?


Have you rechecked your water recently? To have an accurate test you would need to let a cup of water sit out for a day or two so the carbon dioxide gases can escape as to not cause a false reading.
Chemically altering pH will last a few hours or at most a few days.
Before attempting to raise the pH make sure the tap water has not improved. If that turns out to be the case and you do need to raise the pH the easiest way to do this is by adding a small amount of crushed coral. You will need to add a very small amount over the course of time as the coral contains minerals that will raise your pH without using any chemicals, plus for the safety of your fish you do not want to drastically change the pH levels so doing this over a course of some time will be very beneficial. Best of luck and happy fish keeping!!