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Swollen Comet

23 16:14:54

I have several comets, and for the past few weeks I noticed the tummy of one was bigger than normal.  I assumed it was pregnant, but today, while having the pond cleaned, it looks uncomfortable and was not its usual bubbly self.  I transferred it to an inside aquarium to better monitor it.  What should I do?

Hi Suzanne
It's my understanding, goldfish need to be about 2 years old before they're able to start breeding, if that helps any.  Females will look rounder in appearance when they're full of eggs.  

It's also common for goldfish to become constipated, which can give them a rounded look to their belly.  Feed the fish the inside of a pea for the next few days, and see if that helps.  If the fish isn't eating, you can try an epsom salt bath(not aquarium salt, epsom salt).  I would use a separate bucket, add some of the tank water and dissolve about a 1/2-1 teaspoon per 1 gallon.  Let the fish swim in that for about a 1/2 hour, and monitor it for signs of stress-darting around rapidly/continuously, rolling over,etc.  When done, just put the fish back in the tank.  Epsom salt helps with constipation, and with fluid build ups in the body.  

Let me know if you still have problems after a few days, or if other symptoms develop.  Good luck!
