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Gold fish from pond to aquarium

23 16:20:51

I have two fantail goldfish in my outdoor pond.  One has been in there for 2 years the other I just added a day or two ago.  I'm thinking of putting them in my 35 gallon aquarium which has 5 Platies, 2 Spotted Cory Catfish and 6 Glo-light Tetras.  How do I go about converting them with success?

Hi Pam:  You should not mix goldfish and tropical fish... goldfish are cold water fish and tropical or freshwater fish need warm water.  There is a small range in temperature where the two can live but each are susceptible to the same freshwater disease but the goldfish can fight off the cold water variation of the disease and the tropical fish can fight of the tropical variations of the disease.  So if you mix the two they both end up sick because the goldfish catch the tropical disease and the tropical fish catch the cold water diseases.  My recommendation is do not mix the two... hope this helps... dave