Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > What to do?

What to do?

25 9:01:23

Im not too sure where to put this questoin. But Im getting 2 oscars and these 2 freshwater sharks. Its a 55 gal tank. Im not too sure what I need or how to take care of them? Any Advice?

Hi Kristine;

Is this a used tank that you are getting from someone else who already raised them?
What kind of filter does it have?
How big are the fish?
What kind of sharks are they? If you don't know, what color are they and do they have any special identifying markings?

Oscars get to be over a foot long so the two of them in a 55 is all the tank can handle. They should actually be in a 70 gallon or more. You may have to upgrade to a larger one, especially with the sharks in there taking up space too. Here are some sites about Oscars so you know what they need and know more about their behavior;

All tanks need a 25% water change weekly and gravel vacuuming too. Especially Oscar tanks because they are trememdously messy guys. Let me know about the extra info I asked for as soon as you can.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins