Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > plants aquascaping

plants aquascaping

23 16:34:53

QUESTION: beard algae is on all my aquarium plants! how do i remove them?
by the way, what type of plants is suitable for rams? which type would allow some hiding places which can be placed i the middle?

ANSWER: The best would to get some algae eaters to clear it up but there are products to get rid of it too but they can also harm the plant so I never relay on them, I use the old way of rubbing it off with my fingers. There are lots of plants you can use for the rams,  my rams personnel just LOVE the java moss I have and the sword plant, I would also include a cave for them, and just get some java fern to cover up some blank spots. Have a good day!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi again. I don't know how to build a safe and natural looking cave for my rams. can you suggest some ideas on what type of rocks I can use and how to make it look natural. Thanks

Well you'll want to use two medium round stones for the base I and a medium flat stone to place on top of them it should look like this. Hope this helps!Also you can attach java moss onto it to give it a nice natural appearance, same with java fern.
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