Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > 30ltr biorbe/

30ltr biorbe/

23 16:22:24

Was given biorbe for 60th birthday,set up as instructed,after
48hrs introduced 3 fantail [small], within 24 hrs became cloady,let go for at least aweek,became even more cloudy,changed 2rds of the water,putting all the correct
stress additives etc,but within a day back to being cloudy,and only yesterday did another 2rds water change,this time even changed filter,[which had not been in long,]airstone also changed,any help would be appreciatted

Hi Barry,
What a great birthday gift!

What has happened is since this biorb has just been setup, the tank hasn't established enough of the healthy bacteria that keep the water clear. As a result, nutrients buildup and other types of bacteria develop and feed on the nutrients in the water. These bacteria are not the same as the "good" healthy bacteria that control ammonia produced by the fish.

Until the good bacteria become established, the water will remain cloudy. This may take several weeks. You should try to do daily 50% water changes on the biorb just to make sure the water is healthy and safe for the goldfish. Cloudy water in new setups often mean ammonia.

Try to leave the filter alone. It doesn't help much and the good bacteria actually are trying to develop on the filter as well as all throughout the tank.

Be patient, the biorb will eventually clear. It just takes time, be sure not to overfeed because goldfish produce a lot of waste anyway as part of their natural high metabolism. You can also try adding a little of a beneficial bacteria supplement like "BIO-SPIRA" and others.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!