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RTBS question, sorry I dont know how to answer!!!!

23 15:40:08

Hi! My loaches are very young and my shark is maybe 4 years old. It's OK
though, my loach turned up(alive and well), free from fungus and even a
little bigger??? What was going on there??? Her fungus was quite bad
that morning...
I have an other question for you. I have a young discus (Cyan) in a tank
that is 60L. He is five cm long and shares the tank with another discus,
who is a bit bigger than him. I have put a divider in the tank as the older
larger discus was bullying him. We are going to get some more discus
and put them in a larger tank but my pocket money doesnt come that fast
so they have to wait until Chirstmas.
When we first got the smaller discus, he/ sh had a friend, but the friend
died shortly after purchase. The shop was a good one and a different pet
shop told us it was just out luck and that some fish just die.
But ever since the friend died, Cyan has eaten very little. We are very
worried and have no idea what to do!!!
Please help! My dad is quite upset...


Sorry to hear one died. The one that is still alive is a bit depressed because his buddy dies. It is a good idea to have a few together. Tell Dad that once you add another your depressed fish will get better. Just make sure he is eating, very little is better than not eating at all, and that his water perimeter are correct and he should be fine. As far as the Loach goes i am at a loss. They do like to hide and most likely just needed to be alone for awhile. If she/he is without fungus then chances are he/she didn't have any. It could have been a slime coat issue that he/she took care of on her own. If the Discus does not get better in a few days, or things change for the worse, let me know.