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Dojo ill?

23 16:56:54

Hi Chris: I have another question, yesterday I clean my tank I did everything as usual nothing different, but today I notice on my dojo loach that have a lump on his back right in front of his fin, and he (or she?)was ok yesterday and I'm scare that I hurt him, but like I said I did everything normal. He still eating well but he stop and stay like straight with his nose on the rocks, I don't know exactly how to explain this but his acting normal except for this lump and on this lump he have a tiny tiny hole, or a red spot. I try to find information on this but didn't find anything. If you have information please help me. Thanks again Lillian.

Hi Lillian;

Redness usually indicates a bacterial infection or irritation. With a bump, I would suspect maybe an abcess or something. If it gets worse you could try using "Maracyn Two". It's an antibiotic that absorbs inside the fish to get to infections like that.

Keep his water and gravel clean so he can heal quickly. I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins