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burned Cory

23 16:30:01

Hi there,  I was wondering if you could help me in the treating of a Cory that managed to get itself dovetailed between the tank and the heater.  It happened sometime on Sunday night, and she's still alive.  However, she aint happy, thats for sure.  She has pretty severe burns down her left side, and her eye had gone somewhat cloudy.  I pulled the carbon and started to add melafix.  Right now, she is still swimming around, and her eye has lost the cloudiness, but I havent seen her eating yet.  Am I doing a diservice to her by not pulling her and freezing her?  Last night I had her in a container (floating in the tank for the heat)and I was running a heavier dose of the melafix.  Should I stay on this regime?  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated,


Is there salt in the tank? If yes I would stop using it, it's probably irritating the damaged tissue. You can get a  good water conditioner that contains aloe, it will help heal the damaged tissue and help induce the slime coat. I would keep her in very very clean water, the chances of secondary infections (like what I think may have happened to her eye) are fairly likely while she's healing. I wouldn't use the melafix, again... you don't want to irritate her wounds. Extremely clean water and frequent changes will help prevent most infections. Often times it can even cure them :) If you have a hospital tank you could use, I'd put her in it...