Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Overstocked


23 15:25:55

Hi Susan,

Well the good news is that my female betta is doing breat, she is finally settling in!

I also added 5 glowlight tetras three days ago who have also settled in quite well. the neon tetras I would say stocked my tank with a little room to spare, however I went out today and came home with two white balloon mollies about 3cm long. They too have already made friends and are swimming among the other fish. I don't know why, but it only hit me that I had just over stocked my tank after I added them, I still see heaps of swimming room in my tank however I know I have over stocked.

I am saving up for a 50 gallon aquarium (thank you christmas money!) however I still feel a little worried as I told myself not to over stock and I have done it.

I should have the tank money by the new years, and have the tank cycled mid january into febuary. Should the fish be fine in the tank until then?

I have  5 glowlight tetras, 2 corydoras, 2 dwarf gourami, 1 female betta and now the 2 balloon mollies (one of the apple snails is in my 20L tank with my male betta and the other is still in the 54L tank.


Hi there Alexander,
I don't feel you have overstocked your aquarium. A bigger aquarium is always better but you are a very careful fishkeeper who really pays close attention to your fishes needs. So as long as you keep up with water changes and don't overfeed. Your little fish will be just fine.

I think getting a 50 gallon would be a wonderful idea! You could have larger schools of fish and have a beautiful community tank!  Take this time you have now planning your new aquarium and what other species you'd like that would be compatible with your current fish. Think about what decorating theme you'd like as well!

I'm glad your female betta is settling in. How lucky she is! :-)

I hope this helps!!!