Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > sick clown loach w/white patches on tail fin

sick clown loach w/white patches on tail fin

23 16:56:28

Hi Chris,

36 gal. freshwater tank since Nov/06.  1 male betta, 4 clown loaches, 2 angelfish, 2 bala sharks, 2 suckerfish and a bottom feeder, and 1 pleco (I'm not sure on the speices, dark brown spots on light brownish body)

Double wheel bio filter, did a 25% water change yesterday after 1 1/2 to 2 weeks.

Anyway it's one clown loach I am concerned about, it has white patches on its tail fin, tail fin also looks like it rotting away???  There is a hole in the middle of the fin as well, not like it's been nipped in fighting or anything but a hole in it.  I've treated the tank for ich with the loaches before with success.   This loach seems happy otherwise, eats well, 3 of the 4 loaches are always out and swimming about during the day, (I rarely see all 4 out at the same time but did a check in the rocks and all 4 are alive.0  

Now could these white patches, or rot whatever it maybe, be treated with coppersafe?   Since I did a water change and cleaned filters yesterday I don't think I can add coppersafe for a week, so hopefully the loach won't get worse or be contagious to the other fish as I don't have the means for a quarutine tank.  Sorry for rambling on but I don't think I could explain the jest of my quandry in any less words.  

Thank You!  

Hi Angie;

I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. Family issues have consumed my time in the last few days and they hit too fast for me to go on vacation from allexperts in time.

I don't think coppersafe will be effective for what ails your clown. It's generally used for parasites and all the fish would probably have symptoms if it were parasites. It sounds like he is getting picked on or just has an injury that has become infected with bacteria or fungi. In order to really treat him I think a hospital tank is the best way. You don't want to put medicines in your main tank and treat fish that aren't sick, and medicines will be filtered out and absorbed into the gravel. Besides, if there is fighting going on at night when you don't see them, he won't get well if he's still in there. Holes in fins and white patches can definately be caused by fighting or even an old injury that hasn't healed. See what you can do to get a 10 gallon tank set up with a heater, air bubbles, and lights. I have even set them up in a corner of a room on the floor as long as all bottom edges touch the floor so it's level. You don't want a filter, gravel or decorations in your quarantine/hospital tank. They would absorb the medications. Change 25% of the water every day to keep it clean. Look at the medicines at the local fish store to see what treats the specific appearance and symptoms your fish has.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins