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missing peppered cory

23 16:42:12

I have a small 50 gallon tank recently set up.  Never had an aquarium before. Have got 4 tetras, 1 scissor tail, 2 platys and 2 corys. Have lost a couple of fish mainly kids helping with feeding.  Platys have had babies and so far all are well added plenty of plants to hide and have got about 5 plus now 2 weeks old.  Problem is since yesterday not seen one of my cory's both usually out been busy.  Have looked under the ornaments and around the bottom and looked through some of the plants but can't move to much because of the babies.  I can't find him anywhere and i don't know what to do incase he's dead in the tank somewhere and it effects the water but don't want to upset the babies.  Any ideas.  Thanks

I would imagine the death of one small cory would not be a really big problem, in fact the babies may feed on it if it is dead where they are. I would guess it is just hiding though. You should test your water though. If different people are feeding the fish it is highly likely that the tank is high on ammonia which is very bad. You should find this out and do a partial water change if it is high. Also, even if children and other people are feeding the fish you should still pre-give the person the correct amount so there is no over-feeding. Overfeeding can literally kill a tank and you will have to start completely over if the ammonia gets too high. Be cautious! Let me know if you need more help. I hope the cory shows up and has not passed away! I love corys!