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New Tank, New Problems

23 16:42:28

My goldfish has lived in a small tank for about 5 years when I bought her at a garage sale. It was fully cleaned, rocks and everything every two weeks. I bought a 5.5 gallon tank and bought a baby Chocolate Oranda (unknown gender) about 6 days ago. I did this because the fish's poop was long and thin, the same colour as its food. On a website it said that this meant the fish was stressed so I thought a bigger tank was in order and some company. I moved the two fish together. My goldfish was hostile towards the new fish (i.e. nibbling, chasing). She seemed fine for a couple days apart from that. Then she began refusing to eat, with her fins flat down and not moving. What she did poop was long, thin and white. The website said that this meant some kind of inner bacterial infection. I am very fond of this fish and I am wondering whether you can offer any help!

Hi Matt;

Unfortunately, the tank is far too small for those guys. It's actually too small for even one. The cramped space along with "New Tank Syndrome" are causing toxins to rise and making the original fish even more sick. I think the small tank before this one is probably what started the problem. She didn't have enough room and it stressed her body. Make a water change of 25% every day for the next 3 or 4 days and get them a larger tank. Here is a link to my article on new tanks to fill you in on what's going on in there;

Goldfish need a minimum of 10 gallons per fish to thrive and to begin reaching their adult size of 6 to 8 inches when kept in aquariums. Here is a great web page on the basic care and keeping of goldfish;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins