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how can i tell

23 16:28:25

hi.My name is Michelle and I'm 14 years old. I just bought 3 community fish but i don't know how to tell if  there male or female. I pretty sure i have 2 males and 1 female. ( hope thats ok ) Also how do i tell if she is pregant? Ok, my last question is that I have a gold fish and 2 algae eaters and  my 3 community fish and I catch 2 of the male community fish going after him and  getting after the gold fishes fins. Are all those fish good to together?

I would need to know what kind of fish (species) they are before I can tell you how to tell if they are male to female if it is possible to tell and I would need to know what kind of fish it is that you think is pregnant.

I don't think the fish are good together if they are trying to chase the gold fish and get at his fins. You may want to seperate them into two tanks. Community fish need the warmer water and goldfish as they grow bigger can become very aggressive.