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my freshwater bass isnt acting right

23 16:20:32

I have a fresh water bass that I was given from a friend .It came in the same foggy water it lived in so I put him in a tank with a pump for oxygen but he still looks like hes struggleing to breath.Im not sure if I should put him in regular sink water like my other fish. What did I do wrong?

The stress of taking him from his natural environment is probably the main issue. Does he has signs of a disease or illness? If so, you may have to treat him with an all-in-one treatment. When you say in regular sink water that would be fine just make sure it is declorinated. The cloudy water may be developing bacteria since it is no longer in its natural environment. I would suggest switching him to tap water that is declorinated and making sure he does not have a disease. But also be sure to not stress him very much. Chances are the stress is the main culprit. I hope this helps.