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aquariam bugs

25 9:17:25

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Question -
hello karen i have had my fish tank for a few mounths now and the other day i was looking at my fish and i noticed at the bottom of my tank there was something crawling i was amazed but at the same time was worried about my fish so decided to get it out i put my net in the water and the bug started to swim off,anyway i managed to catch it and i got rid of it.but when i was feeding my fish today i noticed that there were some stringy stuff attatched to my nursery tank and it lead underwater i then noticed another one of these bugs and a lot more of the web type stuff could u plz tell me what this strange bug is please and if possible how to get rid of it many thanks
Answer -
Hi David,
Strange....I have never heard of something so bizzare. It has to be some sort of insect that came into your house and found your aquarium to be a handy pond to lay it's eggs. This is my best guess that what you are seeing must be a larvae of some sort. If you could give me a better description at all of it that would help now. What is the general shape of the creature? Is is insect like? Wormlike? Please give me a full description of this creature so I can further help you out.

Thank you,

Karen, hi, the bug was black, about 3mm long and rounded at both ends, and had silver legs,

Hello David,
hmm... This is very strange. I have never heard of such a bug. My first thought was a Dragon fly Larvae but I'm not sure. You might want to do a google image search for dragonfly larvae. You may also be seeing some species of Copepods... This is really hard to figure out without seeing the creature myself. I think you may have to be your own detective in identifying this odd critter.

I'm sorry I don't know anymore than this but I promise I will research it further.

I will get back to you very soon with more info!

Thanks for your patience,