Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > bullying


23 16:14:24

hi,i recently purchased a tropical,freshwater aquarium and today i bought my fish.i bought a small angel fish,a black mollie,a black and white spotted mollie,a catfish and a african butterfly fish.   

the butterfly fish is being bullied by the two mollies .it is non-stop biting and i am worried about the this just because they are only in the tank with each other a few hours or is it something else?? please help. thanks

Mollies can generally just be nippers. The best thing you can do is seperate them or try moving some things around in the aquarium to disorient the mollies. That is the only thing I can suggest that might help. I hope it works out for you! Aggression in fish is really hard to change.