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Critical condition of my white shark

23 16:30:12

hello chris, i have a years old tank,  having gold fish, Apollo shark and tiger & white shark. i normally don't remove the fish out of the tank for cleaning purpose but i weekly siphon 1/3rd water. i feed them Taiyo pellets. the problem is with one of the white shark ( 7 inches long). it is not eating anything from past 2 months and surviving on waste. it transited from healthy fish to skeleton fish ( can see all the bones of the fish). everytime its resting on the base. what do i do treat it as early as possible? Also want to know how to increase their size & what to feed them?

Hi Mahesh;

That's a very long time for a fish not to eat. It's quite possible he has an internal parasite problem or it may be as simple as bullying from the other fish. You didn't mention what size tank it is but many of the freshwater "sharks" are very territorial and are actually in the barb family so they can be very aggressive. I really can't say for sure. It would be best to isolate him and see if you can get him to eat without any competition for food. Treating him for parasites would probably kill him in his weakened condition so it wouldn't be good to do that unless you can get him to eat and build him up a bit first.

All fish will grow faster and bigger with plenty of space and plenty of water changes. Good quality foods helps too. Frozen or live brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms, frozen gel-based foods etc, are good options. Feed a variety so they get a week rounded diet. Those kinds of "smelly" foods may entice the sick one to eat too.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins