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Info on Albino Axelotl

25 9:10:58

Hi, I have just purchased an Albino Axelotl and would like to find out if it is better to leave the tank bear at the bottom or should I put pebbles in it.  I am aware that i cant use anything too small but having tried pebbles, found that the Axelotl seemed to have difficulty finding his food as it was falling in between the pebbles, therefore i have removed them again but on reading info on the Axelotl it said that the smooth surface of the tank made it difficult to move around and could cause undue stress to the it.  Please advise me if you can on what is best?   Also i was told to feed it one cube a day of frozen blood worm, is this too much, as its only quite young although fully formed but a still quite transparent?   Many Thanks  

Dear Ally,
Wow! An Axelotl!!!! These are facinating creatures that have NEVER been offered for sale around here!
So I can only do my best research to find the info to your questions.

About the substrate issue. It is true that Axolotls can often ingest small gravels while foraging for their food although many aquarists still use gravel, it's really not best.   One Axlotl breeder used very large smooth river rocks called "Mexican River rocks" these are very large and nicely round rocks that he says works well for his aquariums.
Axolotls find their food by smell and usually don't have too much trouble getting their food which can consist of not only frozen worms but also with fish pellets, guppies, and young juveniles can be fed Artemia (brine shrimp) everyday . Live and frozen foods can be messy in aquariums with pebbles where the food can drift and become hidden. I've seen some Axolotl keepers make a large pile of pebbles on just one end of the aquarium leaving the other end bare. These creatures can also be trained to eat at one spot of the aquarium. One breeder suggested you can also remove your Axolotl to a clean container for feeding. Of course, you should always try to siphon or net any uneaten food like at the end of the day.
I would imagine if you were finding lots of leftover food at the end of the day then you'd have to regulate just how much your Axolotl needs.

I really hope this helps!
Only my very best wishes! You're lucky to get to own one of these facinating Salamanders!
Ps: For lots more info on Axolotl please visit: