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filtration and strong water current

23 16:37:21

I am just setting up a 29g tank for tropical fish. Haven't bought fish yet. Set up an undergravel filter with air-head (for 20 to 50g tank, 200gph capacity). Also bought a power filter for (upto 20g tank, 100 gph capacity). Now I'm worried if I'm not creating too strong a current for my future pets. Please advise.

Hi Amrita
Actually, for a 29 gallon tank, the minimum amount of gph recommended is 300 gph.  It may be a bit tough for some fish, it depends on what kind you intend to keep though.  For example, a betta probably wouldn't fair to well because they're kind of slow moving and like to hang at the top.  But otherwise I think most fish would be fine.

In my opinion....I would remove the undergravel filter and return it if you can.  They have a tendency to trap uneaten food and waste underneath the plates, and eventually it'll mess up your water quality unless you physically remove them and clean underneath them regularly, which can be a pain.  Again, just my opinion, but I think you'd be better off running 2 hang on the back filters instead.  Just something to think about.

Hope that helps and good luck with your new tank!  Let me know if you have more questions.
