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23 16:40:14

My Angel fish is nearing 10yrs old and doesn't look too good, i think he is nearing his end! As morbid as it may seem, I was wondering if it would be possible to preserve him and mount him over my fish thank? I don't know how to do this can you give some advice? please note i live in Ireland and ma not have access to the same resources that are available in America

Hi Bernard,
First, I must say congratulations on having such an old fish. Your angelfish is definitely into his 'golden' years. I don't see anything wrong with preserving the Angelfish and mounting him..I just am not sure how. I will try to get in touch with other people who may know a little more.

You must be a well-accomplished fish keeper to have a 10 year old Angelfish! Cheers for you!

I'll let you know when I find out more info,
Hi Bernard, thanks for your patience,
I think your best bet may be to contact a local Taxidermist in your area. I know there are many UK taxidermists. Here are some websites that I hope will help, maybe you could contact them for more info also.

you can also read more about taxidermy here-

Best of luck!