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Betta Fish Help!

23 17:00:48

Hi Chloe, I'm hoping you can help me with my betta.  I've had him for over 2 years now, and for about 3 weeks he's had what I think is pop-eye.  One eye is slightly bulging and red.  He also stopped eating when this started. I did a water change and then tried giving him Ampicillin fish eat.  This didn't work since he wasn't eating anyway.  I've been using BettaFix and also used Maracyn-two for a week and then did another water change.  The eye still looks pretty much the same and he eats but has trouble getting the food.  I think he may be having problems seeing it?  It seems he only eats the pellet when I put it right in front of his face.  I'm not sure what else to do...I don't want him to die so any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!  

Hi Kim,
This is pop-eye which is caused by a bacterial infection. This is usually brought on by poor water quality. I would use a treatment called Melafix or QuickCure. His eye should start to go down with these treatments. His apetite should return to normal. Daily water changes will also help recovery.
