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Green algae

23 15:55:56

My entire tank is filled with green algae. I have two large angel fish, two goldfish, two algae eaters, and some snails. Is green algae really bad for the fish, or is getting rid of it just for viewing pleasure? We clean the tank out once a week but the algae is getting worse. We have not been using algae killer additives because the last time that we did all of our fish except the angelfish died. And yes we followed the directions to the tee. The filter is always cleaned, but the tank is directly in front of a window. Thanks for your time, Christine and Marley

Hi Christine

The algae will not harm your fish, but of course, the tank looks nicer when no algae is present.

You're not going to eliminate your algae problem unless you move the tank away from the window. Tanks should not be in front of a window anyway. The water can get too cold in the winter and too warm in the summer. I would consider moving it if at all possible. Also keep your tank lights on for no more than 10-12 hours a day.

I agree with the algae killer. Not only do they not work, but can be harmful to the fish. The best way to clean algae is with an aquarium algae scrubber.

Hope this helps, good luck!
