Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My new Oranda

My new Oranda

23 15:37:22

QUESTION: My new Oranda has Red Streaks on his fins and is missing a few scales but other. The water is is fine. he lives in a 20 gallon tank with a black moor i feed them omega one fish flakes. There is an airstone in there as well the temp is 65 degrees. could he just be stressed from being moved or could have had something at the pet stre

ANSWER: He could be stressed, but he could also have a goldfish disease, which is what it sounds like to me.  The red streaks can be caused by chlorine.  Are you using tap water?

I need more information to diagnose this, but I would guess his water was un-treated for chlorine.  If this is not the case, there could be bruising to the fins.  

Do not chemically treat this fish.  Instead, please make sure he has charcoal in the filtration and is getting enough air.  Should you see him at the top of the tank, it's not a good sign.  Oxygen is higher up, and that signifies some kind of issue.

Please send me your tank's water test results .... I will need the ammonia level, as well as the nitrites and nitrates.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the ammonia is 0 nitrites are 0 nitrates are around 10-20 i do 50% water changes every week i use dechlorinator when i do this he only comes up near the surface sometimes and gasps on occasion which is a bad sign

the red streaks have gotten better though

Hi, well the red streaks improving are a good sign.

Goldfish often sip the top of the water.  In ponds, they do it all the time, and they are not lacking oxygenation in most cases.  Just taking a little sip of air.

If he's improving, please don't worry.  I am worried about the nitrates.  That is too high.  I am concerned that his filter may not be enough, and that the "dechlorinator" is harming him.

I use it only if I have to.  Otherwise, I only give my fish filtered water.  Try it.  It can't hurt.  They have these wonderful filling stations at stores.  I get five gallons for a dollar.

I am so glad he's improving. But, let's figure out why the nitrates are high.  My guess is the filter may not be sufficient.
