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Noisy Filter

23 15:34:39

Help!  I have a 33-gallons fishtank with freshwater fishes.  The racket made by the filter is driving me crazy.  I have tried a large single one, 2 small ones and back to a single large filter.  The type I have used is the one that hangs
from the side.  The noise is so bad and I have tried all I can think of.  I have added rubbed pads to minimize the vibration, putting a rag under the filter,
changed the filter, I constantly clean the filter and change the carbon filter parts when too used.  I have even placed a plastic on top of the water chutes held down by the lid.  This last trick cuts down the splashing noise a bit, but still is too loud.  I also raise the water level so it's right on the edge of the rim of the chute.  The noise is so bad that I hardly spend any time in the room where my tank is.  I don't know what to do about the noise.  The filter keeps the water clean, but the noise is horrendous.
I have considered an underwater filter or under cabinet filter.  I have been unable to find any underwater filter for a 33-gallon tank and have been unable to find any information about the noise level on those 2 types of filters.
Which is the best solution?  Please help!  Thank you very much!

Hi Alexandra,

I suspect your issue isn't where the filter is touching the tank, but it's inside where the tube goes into the filter.  In the bottom, is an impeller.  The impeller works by magnetic pull.  It looks a bit like a fan with a magnet on the bottom of it.

My advice to quiet the filter is to take it apart, get that impeller out and super duper clean the hole it goes into.  There is a very good possibility there's something in there causing it not to sit correctly, causing a vibration, which will drive a sane person insane in minutes!

I have had the same issue before.  I have one filter which is notorious for it.  It's an el-cheapo hang on back filter, and it's the only cheap brand I use.  I regret it everytime I have to use it, because it's so loud.

Fortunately, I invested in Marineland filters and they are nice and quiet!

Maybe you should consider using a better brand.  For the money you already spent, you could have put a Marineland 350 on there and had no noise.  In fact, mine's so silent I can't even tell if it's on or not.

Undergravel filters - for your tank, you would want to estimate the dimensions.  Most people refer to 33 gallon tanks as 30" long aquariums, unsuspecting that they are actually only 29 gallons.  Unless they're a bowfront, or a round, or hex tank, it's probably going to fit a 29 gallon undergravel filter just fine.

If it's square, you can buy filters made for hex aquariums and they are more rounded.  They will give you better filtration throughout the whole gravel bed.

The problem with undergravel filters, is people don't clean them.  If you realize that dirt can't live under there forever, and are diligent at cleaning them, they do okay.  They're really simple to clean and people don't realize that.  To clean them, you just pull one side's tubing cover off and put the siphon over the tube to pull out what it can.  because there's another tube on the other end, water will filter through, throwing out the solid waste.

I simply do not recommend a canister filter.  They turn into nitrate factories.

Unfortunately, most pet store employees are going to tell you to get one.  I'm sorry for that, in advance.  They will also tell you that you only need to clean the out once in awhile...wrong.  Every month for freshwater and every WEEK for salt.

Most people do not know this. They let them fill with poop and then write in wondering why their fishes are dying.

In my humble opinion, your best course of action is to find a better brand of filter, with a better fitting impeller.  The better the impeller fits, the less noise it makes.

Happy fish-keeping.