Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Do Parrotfish do well with male bettafish?

Do Parrotfish do well with male bettafish?

23 15:59:06

I have a red parrotfish. Do they do well with male bettafish? I have both in seperate tanks, but I really want to put them together! Please answer soon!                                                                                 -Amanda

Hi Amanda,
Its possible that they could get along but it really does depend on the individual personality of each fish. For instance some parrots are very aggressive while some are very placid and accepting of new tankmates. The same goes for bettas. *Sometimes bettas don't fare well in community tanks because of intimidating tankmates and/or too much filter current which makes swimming exhausting. So that's something to keep in mind.

The key here is you can try it. But keep a close eye on both fish to make sure they are both happy longterm.

Best of luck!