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frshwater stingray

25 9:17:45

I am about to find myself the new owner of a 150 gallon tank in which i plan on having a few geophagus some rainbowfish and some plecos. I also have looked a little into freshwater stingrays but cant find much on them would they be alright to keep with these other fish and are there anything i may need to know about thier peramters?

Hi Zach,
That sounds like an interesting project. At my web site I have posted easy care instructions for aquariums. See:
Please print it out and refer to it when you're setting up your tank.
Plectos make good pets - they grow large, live a long time, and they are hearty. I had one who was a vegetarian. I only fed him spirulina tablets. He would get the tablet on his sucker pad and then swim all over the tank with it. They also like fresh vegetables like zucchini. Just be careful about putting too much food in the tank.
Also, be sure your plectos have their own hiding places behind rocks, driftwood, plants, etc.
I advise you to stay away from exotic fish like stingrays, since it is too sad if they die. See how it goes with some common species.
If you have any questions not covered on my web page, write back again.