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what 2 feed my new fish/sharks

23 16:05:28

what do i feed blackfin sharks,puffer fish, dinosaur eels and black moore's

Puffers are omnivores. The bulk of their diet consists of meaty foods, but will also eat vegetation. They are not difficult to feed and will eat flake, frozen, or live foods. Some of the foods I fed my puffer when I had one was shrimp, ghost shrimp (which were gut-loaded), bloodworms, freeze-dried krill, crabs, brine shrimp, and snails. It is very important to feed your puffer live hard shelled food. This keeps their teeth from over growing and eliminates eating problems. You can feed your blackfin shark flakes also with an occasional treat of live or frozen brine shrimp. Eels do good with bloodworms. I am not sure if you are talking about a black moor goldfish or maybe the black knifefish? A goldfish would defiantly not mix with a puffer, so I am assuming a black ghost knifefish. He will also eat bloodworms. Good luck with these fish, they are one of my favorite selections! :)