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Black Gills

23 16:58:08

My betta has recently gotten black gills.  i believe this is from to much ammonia in the water.  he doesn't eat his food anymore and I'm worried that he'll die soon.  how do i get rid of ammonia in his water.  he lives in a 1 gallon tank and one fish expert told me to change his water every day and to add aquarium salts.  should i do that.  

An other question...
the same betta is growing a lump by his tail fin.  is that a Tumor??

Hi Molly,
You are right the black around his gills are definetly a sign of ammonia burns. Is the tank cycled? If not there will be high ammonia levels present in a newly set up tank whcih are causing him ammonia burns. This is highly toxic to fish and can do him some damage. Changing the water every day will help cycle the tank. When the tank is fully cycled you should have zero ammonia and nitrite. This will take 4-6 weeks. Changing the water every day even after the tank is cycled is needed beacuse the tank is so small and the level of ammonia is in such a confined space. I would also buy a filter if you dont already have one. A sponge filter would be fine.

Hope this helps