Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Convicts seem to be losing their color

Convicts seem to be losing their color

25 9:19:57

This is a new aquarium, The fish were given to us by a friend that had an over populated tank. We have put together a 55 gallon tank, used some of his water and have a Whisper filter and under gravel filter system. The ammonia is at zero and nitrates is at zero as well. The aquarium has been running for 4 weeks now. Beginners luck, but the ph is off the charts (literally)! We have started to gradually apply ph decrease to the water to get it around a 7 or 8, along with water changes of about 10 gallons every 3 days or so. Temp is at 76 degrees.It appears that the Convicts we have are losing their stripes! The smaller ones have them but the larger ones look like they are fading away.It doesn't appear to be anything looking like a scales problem, as I don't see any fugus, injuries, or mold stuff on any of the fish.. They don't act like they are sick but they are mean to our "sucker" fish. What do we need to feed them to get their color back or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Hi Robert;

Since the fish are used to the high pH, stop trying to change it. It will only stress the fish more from the fluctuations. This may be why the colors are fading. They are stressed from the constant pH changes. They will be just fine in a more stable higher pH. The pH recommendations listed on fish profiles are what the fish experience in their natural environment. Most of our pet fish are captive bred in much different water conditions. Our fish never read those profiles to know what pH they are "supposed to have". (Wide Grin) Seriously though, they will be fine and will probably spawn for you soon as they pair off.

Their colors will also fade and brighten back and forth as they try to establish territory for breeding. Provide more hiding places like rock caves and decorations. That will probably help them feel more secure. This will give the sucker fish a place to hide too. Convicts are vicious when breeding and you may have to move some out of there eventually.

Your tank is still very new and the pH will drop naturallt over time as it matures. Be sure you don't have shells, coral, dolomite or limestone in there that could be causing the pH to stay high.

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