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Aquarium flies

25 9:19:57

I have a 125gallon freshwater tank that houses several species of fish (african cichliads, red-tail barbs, clown loches, etc.)  All seem to get along just great.  My question is that I have began to notice these small winged "fruitfly like bugs" that now live on or around the top of the aquarium near the water surface.  We also have a window by the front door near the aquarium where these "flies" tend to fly to and usually die on the window seal.  I have tried numerous times to rid the aquarium of these "flies" when I clean the tank but to no success.  

Any idea as to what these are and how to get rid of them without hurting the fish?  

Hi Sandy;

I've had these kinds of bugs too, but they are difficult to get rid of because we can't use bug killers near the fish. I just wipe them from the top of the tank lid with a damp cloth until their numbers decrease.

What you might do is post this question over on the freshwater fish board and see if anyone over there has had success getting rid of such critters. You have to become a member to post, but it's free and easy to do. Go to;

My member name is ChrisR62. See You There!  

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins