Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Jack Dempsy

Jack Dempsy

23 16:27:48

Hello, I was hoping you would be able to help with my Jack Dempsy.  He is around 5 years old.  A while back his tank became infested with Ick(at that is what I think it was) those little white bugs, and I used Wardley's ick away and changed up most of the water.  It worked, but they came back with in a month or so.  I tried it again with the same results, so got some Jungle Ick Clear Tank Buddies.  This worked for about 3 months and they came back.  I used the Jungle Ick Clear again and changed out the water again, but  now Jack has these, what looks like holes in his face.  His behavior has changed also.  He use to play with me and was very social, but now he hides under a rock and seems to ignore me.  Also, he hasn't been eating.  It has been about 4 days since he has eaten and I am getting worried.  The last time he ate, it was like he didn't see the food and was gulping around looking for it, so I am not sure if he is loosing his sight or maybe has some infection.  There is one hole that is behind his eye.
Thanks in advance for any help you might have.
Amber M.

Hi Amber, Honestly this is a pure guess. Butr I alway try to give some advice. To start with get Jack into another tank. Use the same water he is in now. Go buy some "MARACIDE". Take the old tank down and wash it thoroughly with a little salt in the water. DO NOT USE AMMONIA. Ammonia will break the silicone seals. Rinse and set the tank back up with new water. Float Jack in the new water as you normally would any fish. Add 1 cup of new water into the floating container every 5 minutes. After 30 minutes take the container to the sink and pour Jack into a net. Rush Jack to the newly set tank. DO NOT put the old water back in. Add the MARACIDE as directed. It is the best stuff made for ALL parasites. It also is quite expensive but the best is not cheap. You also need to get the filter system clean. Ick can live in the filter even though you added the ick-away.
  The paracites may have made him blind. If he seems to be not eatting try this: get an earthworm/ nightcrawler. Rinse it off and drop it very close to him. If he's hungry he'll grab it quick. I had a pair of Dempseys get 11 years old. Fed them nightcrawlers. If yours doesn't touch the worm he may be on his way out. Sorry to say.
I'm not correct 100% of the time. You may want to consult another expert also.